DMTN-116: LSP Authentication Implementation

  • Brian Van Klaveren

Latest Revision: 2021-03-04


This document has been largely superseded by the identity management design documented in SQR-039, SQR-044, and SQR-049 and implemented in Gafaelfawr. Details of the full identity management system are still being worked out (see SQR-045, SQR-046, SQR-051, and SQR-055). Once the full design is finalized, a new tech note documenting that design will fully replace this tech note.

Building Blocks


Nginx is a ubiquitous web server. It’s one of the two most common implementations for the ingress controller of Kubernetes - the other being the GLBC, the GCE ingress controller available in Google’s GKE Kubernetes offering. We standardize on Nginx as the ingress controller in all environments - even when deploying to GKE.

All web traffic to our LSP aspects for a given LSP instance must go through a single Nginx ingress deployment. The Nginx ingress deployment functions as a reverse proxy to all web services.

Nginx has a powerful feature in the form of the auth_request directive within the ngx_http_auth_request_module, that is built by default in all major distributions of Nginx, and supported by the Nginx Kubernetes ingress controller annotations. The auth_request directive enables authorization based on the result of a subrequest - a representative HTTP request of the original HTTP request being serviced by Nginx, sent to an arbitrary service. When used inside Kubernetes via the Nginx ingress controller, the ingress controller will send additional headers to fully describe the original HTTP request, including request method, URI, IP address, and more, depending on the version of the ingress controller. Newer versions of the ingress controller (> 0.17.0) have better support for advanced auth_request configuration that will likely be useful, such as subrequest caching. For example, subrequests could be cached, by a cookie or HTTP header (e.g. a token), for 30 seconds and reduce the load on the backend servicing the auth_request.


oauth2_proxy is a popular reverse proxy that provides authentication using OAuth2 Providers (Google, GitHub, most importantly OpenID Connect) to validate accounts by email. oauth2_proxy has been around for a long time under the bitly GitHub organization, but early in 2018 development had stagnated. Since then, it’s been forked a few times, with the most prolific successors being the pusher/oauth2_proxy fork and buzzfeed/sso. Buzzfeed’s SSO implements many additional features via an additional service that is not available in the core of the oauth2_proxy code, though it’s proxy component lags development of the pusher fork.

In general, all of these services are building blocks or variations of the Identity-Aware Proxy, known as BeyondCorp, as pioneered by Google.

oauth2_proxy can be used in two primary modes. The first mode is an actual proxy - all requests go through oauth2_proxy, before it sends along to downstream services. oauth2_proxy will inspect a cookie to determine if a user is authenticated. If a user is unauthenticated, oauth2_proxy will perform redirects as appropriate to the providers, of which your instance of oauth2_proxy must be a client of.

Once login is verified, cookies are stored, and the requests are forwarded to the downstream services. Importantly, in proxy mode, oauth2_proxy is usually configured to set additional headers (via -pass-authorization-header, -pass-user-headers, and more) which are also forwarded to the downstream services, typically username, email, and the oauth2 tokens the user used to authenticate.

For another mode of operation, oauth2_proxy also has an additional endpoint, the /oauth2/auth endpoint, which will return a 202 if the user is authenticated. This endpoint can be used directly with the auth_request directive of Nginx. These requests are always GET requests to the specified endpoint - /oauth2/auth in the basic oauth2 configuration. Once login is finished, cookies are stored, and the requests are returned to the upstream service (Nginx). Importantly, in using the auth_request mode, oauth2_proxy is usually configured to set additional headers which are returned to the upstream service (-set-authorization-header, -set-xauthrequest), typically username, email, and the oauth2_tokens the user used to authenticate - similar to those in proxy mode, but with slightly different names.

In both modes, oauth2_proxy always returns a Set-Cookie header on successful authentication, historically a serialized oauth2_proxy Session object. Part of the value of that cookie is encrypted by oauth2_proxy - fields the fields representing that Session object, consisting of OAuth2 tokens, username, and email. The rest of that token consists of a session expiration and an HMAC signature on the encrypted token and expiration. On repeated requests, the HMAC signature is verified so oauth2_proxy can verify the expiration hasn’t been tampered with. Once verified, it will decrypt the encrypted data into the Session object. Taking into account the expiration, oauth2_proxy may also refresh the access token with a refresh token, if available and oauth2_proxy configured, which typically results in a new Set-Cookie header.

The use of cookies for storage means oauth2_proxy does not need a database or file system to store cookies, and the encryption of the cookies means that the user also cannot access the original tokens. It is during the lifetime of a user’s request that tokens are unencrypted.


CILogon - an OpenID connect provider

CILogon functions as our OpenID Connect provider. CILogon is further described in DMTN-094 and elsewhere, but there are a few important properties to reiterate. First off, CILogon is a meta-provider that reduces the complexities of Shibboleth and OAuth2 from other providers (such as Universities, GitHub, Google, etc…) to a set of common claims in a JWT. In the context of the LSP, oauth2_proxy is a CILogon client. It’s no ordinary client, however, as the CILogon team enabled a special configuration for the OAuth2 client_id we use for CILogon. This special configuration will augment the JWT OIDC identity token’s claims, as well as the OIDC /userinfo JSON endpoint, with additional information when the user’s external identity can be associated to the user’s LSST identity. It does this primarily through LDAP lookups. Again, this account is fundamentally an account at NCSA with a username, Unix UID, and a set of groups a user is a member of. When the user’s external identity is not associated with an LSST identity, CILogon still authenticates the user, and subsequently, oauth2_proxy still authenticates the user, but that additional claims are not there. oauth2_proxy itself currently has no way of denying authentication based on the claims in a JWT OIDC identity token.


We’ve forked oauth2_proxy and have made three important changes - JWT Bearer Passthrough and Server Session Store, and an additional change integrating the two together.

This is a description of those features.

JWT Bearer Passthrough

The first, and most important for APIs, is JWT Bearer Passthrough. JWT Bearer Passthrough allows tokens, typically JWT tokens (except when using Server Session Store), in the Authorization HTTP header of the form Authorization: Bearer [token], as well as a fallback mechanism to detect if a token is actually encoded in the HTTP Basic header, for clients that implement HTTP Basic authentication. The fallback mechanism is based on GitHub’s implementation to enable easier integration with clients that can speak HTTP Basic, but don’t support modifying the Authorization header as appropriate. For those clients, you can simply use the token for the username and either a blank password or the string x-oauth-basic when cloning a repository. Our implementation also accepts x-oauth-basic as the username with the tokens as the password.

Importantly, the JWT Bearer Passthrough implementation also allows you to specify additional Providers which oauth2_proxy can trust for verifying the token. A provider in this context MUST have a discoverable JWKS, either through the discoverable URL in the jwks attribute on .well-known/openid-configuration, or directly in .well-known/jwks.json.

Server Session Store

In the course of implementing authentication, we ran into issues with large cookies. The token we receive from our Provider, CILogon, includes quite a bit of information about the user’s account at NCSA, and a refresh token. It’s was common for the oauth2_proxy cookie to exceed 4kB, which tends to cause a lot of issues with passing tokens to the backend services. This was how we actually ended up at the pusher fork of oauth2\_proxy initially, as it had large cookie support by splitting into multiple cookies. That implementation had issues with Nginx during the refresh, which occurred every 15 minutes. Another issue we ran across, even if the cookies work, is integration with legacy clients. The Apple WebDAVFS implementation, via mount_webdav, for example, supports HTTP Basic authentication but the username and password cannot exceed 256 characters. In addition to this, 4kB can add up to a non-trivial amount of traffic over the wire if an application relies heavily on small requests. These considerations led us to implement a server-side session store.

In the Server Cookie Store, instead of returning the actual oauth2_proxy cookie, we return a ticket to the to that cookie.

A ticket is composed of:



  • the CookieName is the OAuth2 cookie name (_oauth2_proxy by default, but we set it to oauth2_proxy in our deployment)

  • the ticketID is a 128-bit random number, hex-encoded

  • the secret is a 128-bit random number, base64 encoded


The pair of {CookieName}-{ticketID} comprises a ticket handle, and thus, a natural storage key.

When enabled, oauth2_proxy will encrypt the session state using the secret, and store the encrypted session with the secret in a store using the handle, as the key. It then sends the ticket back to the user as the cookie. In later requests, the ticket is decoded to the handle and secret, which are used to lookup and decrypt the session state.

As we are adding a Server Session Store, we have attempted to preserve an aspect of oauth2_proxy without the Server Session Store - the tokens are only unencrypted during the lifetime of a user’s request, and the user is not allowed access to the unencrypted OAuth tokens. An admin with access to the session store cannot recover the tokens.

One server session store has be implemented - a Redis backend. Tokens are stored with an expiration via the Redis SETEX command. The expiration of the is the value of the -cookie-expire parameter for oauth2_proxy.

Tickets and Bearer Passthrough Integration

The two features are independent of each other, and we are working to upstream them.

However, integrating the two features together allows us to use tickets in addition to JWT tokens for the JWT Bearer Passthrough. This feature is used by us to write sessions to the Redis session store and return the associated ticket, via an additional application. We use this as a method for implementing API tokens. Our JWT Authorizer application implements this feature.

We intend to try to upstream this feature, but if we are unable to, we believe the complexity of maintaining this feature is low, as the change is very small.

JWT Authorizer

Before we started using the road of oauth2_proxy, we initially built a simple JWT authorizer application that would merely verify JWT’s in the Authorization HTTP header. This was also used with the auth_request module, with the initial implementation forked from the SciTokens Nginx token authorizer, which was also based on the Nginx auth_request method for authorizing a request. The SciTokens example repo was using a capabilities-based authorization method oriented around files (with a goal of implementing a capabilities-based WebDAV server) - which didn’t quite fit our capabilities-based API access model we planned to implement. So we worked on modifying it a bit. Eventually, we came to a point where we had an authorizer that would allow a service, such as the LSP Portal application, use an auth URI for the authorizer that included the capability the portal required, which is exec:portal. A simplified form of the Nginx configuration would be as follows:

location /portal {
    auth_request /auth-portal;
    proxy_pass http://portal:8080/portal;

location /auth-portal {
    proxy_pass http://jwt-authorizer:8080/auth?capability=exec:portal
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
    proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
    proxy_set_header X-Original-Method $request_method;

During the course of a request to any URI under /portal, the original headers from that request are forwarded to the /auth endpoint for the JWT Authorizer application, in addition to those set. An additional capability argument, with value exec:portal, is supplied to with auth URI - this allows us to reuse the same web application for different capability checks. When the request is received by JWT Authorizer, the token in the Authorization header is validated (signature checked), and then the token is checked, directly or indirectly, for a claim representing exec:portal. This claim is directly checked by looking for exec:portal in the scope claim of the token. Indirectly, it may be found through a group association to the value of the isMemberOf claim, with a group that represents that capability. Those group names are configurable, but here is an example of that configuration:

    exec:portal: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_portal_x"]
    exec:notebook: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_nb_x"]
    read:tap: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_tap_r"]
    read:tap/user: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_tap_usr_r"]
    read:tap/history: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_tap_hist_r"]
    read:image: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_img_r"]
    read:workspace: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_ws_r"]
    read:workspace/user: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_ws_usr_r"]

With this configuration as an example, a user’s HTTP request, against a service which requires the read:image capability, may be authorized if that capability exists in the scope claim string, or if the user is in a that maps to that claim, lsst_int_lsp_int_img_r according to this example. This dual approach allows authorization based on identity (via Groups) or capability. The first is more useful in web applications, the second is more useful for API access.

Token Issuer

In the course of implementation, we found CILogon unable to implement all desired token semantics for the use cases we wanted. There were a few important semantics we wanted to be built into the system.

The types of tokens we want to be issued include:

  • Reissued tokens based on the CILogon token, which are useful for web applications. These live for 24 hours.

  • API tokens via a Token download interface

  • Internally reissued tokens for satisfying the Token Acceptance Guarantee

It would not be reasonable for CILogon to implement these capabilities for us. As such, we’ve implemented a Token Issuer. In our implementation, the Token Issuer is integrated with the JWT Authorizer.

Reissued Tokens

The first type of token reissuance happens only once.

During login, when a user first authenticates to oauth2_proxy, oauth2_proxy writes out the session state to the Redis Session Store, issues a Set-Cookie header, and sends the request to the JWT Authorizer. The JWT Authorizer sees the issuer was CILogon, and reissues the token - by writing out an updates Session state to the Redis Session Store, using the same handle from the oauth2_proxy ticket.

In subsequent requests, oauth2_proxy will decode that session state and pass those updated tokens through to JWT Authorizer. JWT Authorizer always performs authorization based on those tokens.

The audience in the aud claim for these tokens is always the full hostname, e.g.

Token Download Interface - API Tokens

JWT Authorizer exports a simple web interface, under the /auth/tokens endpoint, which can be used to issue API tokens. When a user visits that endpoint, they will see a list of tokens that have been previously issued to them. A user may issue a new token, selecting the capabilities that token requires. By virtue of this web interface also being protected by the JWT Authorizer itself, the web interface has access to data from the Reissued Token, such as the user’s UID and email. That information is included in the API token when issued.

The audience in the aud claim for these tokens is always the full hostname, e.g.

Token Acceptance Guarantee

Our APIs service long-running requests. If one API service was to accept a token one minute before the token was issued, perform an action, and then 2 minutes later call another API service, the token would have expired by then and the action would fail.

To mitigate this, fulfilling a policy that requires such actions succeed, we implement the re-issuance locally in JWT Authorizer. Tokens reissued in this manner are called internal tokens. Internal tokens are never considered for re-issuance.

The audience in the aud claim for these tokens is always the full hostname, with a /api suffix, e.g.


We have one .well-known endpoint, .well-known/jwks.json, which is a JWKS file with the keys necessary for the Token Issuer. This file is used by oauth2_proxy to verify tokens.



For securing a web application or an API, it’s important to first know the capabilities you want to require.

In the LSP, capabilities are used to gate access to services and are typically based on the data or resources a service makes available.

For more information, consult the Data and Services classifications section of DMTN-094.

The following capabilities are defined based on access to LSST data and LSP aspects.



Image Access - Read images from the SODA and other image retrieval interfaces


Image Access (Metadata) - Read image metadata from SIA and other image interfaces


Table Access (DR, Alerts) - Execute SELECT queries in the TAP interface on project datasets


Table Access - (Transformed EFD) - Execute SELECT queries in the TAP interface on EFD datasets


Table Access (User and Shared) - Execute SELECT queries in the TAP interface on your data


Table Access (User and Shared) - Upload tables to your database workspace


User Query History - Read the history of your TAP queries.


File/Workspace Access - Read project datasets from the file workspace


File/Workspace Access (User/Shared) - Read the data in your file workspace


File/Workspace Access (User/Shared) - Write data to your file workspace


Portal - Use the Portal (also needed for JupyterHub plugin)


Notebook - Use the Notebook


Two additional capabilites are defined. Unlike the previous capabilities, these capabilities are not strictly derived from previously defined LSST data or specific LSP aspects, but they are required to secure web applications behind JWT Authorizer.



User (Token Download Interface) - Access user-oriented interfaces


Admin Services (ElasticSearch) - Access admin-oriented interfaces


Configuring JWT Authorizer

JWT Authorizer should be configured with a group mapping. That group mapping may need to be updated per-instance.

There should be a mapping to one or more groups for every capability. In the early stages of LSP development, we will coarsely define these mappings - mappings will map to one or two groups, such as lsst_int_lspdev, for example. As time goes on, we expect groups to be created with more granularity. This will allow us to gate service to a resource by removing a user from a fine-grained group.

Mapping all capabilities to a single group - an example of coarse-grained mapping:

    exec:portal: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    exec:notebook: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    read:tap: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    read:tap/user: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    read:tap/history: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    read:image: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    read:workspace: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]
    read:workspace/user: ["lsst_int_lspdev"]

Mapping each capability to a well-defined group - an example of fine-grained mapping:

    exec:portal: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_portal_x"]
    exec:notebook: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_nb_x"]
    read:tap: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_tap_r"]
    read:tap/user: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_tap_usr_r"]
    read:tap/history: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_tap_hist_r"]
    read:image: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_img_r"]
    read:workspace: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_ws_r"]
    read:workspace/user: ["lsst_int_lsp_int_ws_usr_r"]

Securing Web Applications

Notebook Example

Annotations for securing the notebook. Since the JupyterHub application has its own authorization framework, we manually set an additional header, X-Portal-Authorization, with the token.

  annotations: nginx X-Auth-Request-Token |
      auth_request_set $auth_token $upstream_http_x_auth_request_token;
      proxy_set_header X-Portal-Authorization "Bearer $auth_token";
      error_page 403 = "$request_uri";

ElasticSearch Example

Annotations for securing an admin application. The backend expects the username in the X-Remote-User header, the email in the X-Auth-Request-Email header, the token in the X-Auth-Request-Token header. JWT Authorizer makes the username available via the X-Auth-Request-Uid header, so we manually rewrite that with a configuration snippet:

  annotations: nginx X-Auth-Request-Token, X-Auth-Request-Email, X-Auth-Request-Uid |
      auth_request_set $remote_user $upstream_http_x_auth_request_uid;
      proxy_set_header X-Remote-User "$remote_user";
      error_page 403 = "$request_uri";

Securing Web APIs

Most applications will just use the token to access, and may decode that token for some information about the user.

Annotations for protecting an API endpoint with the read:image capability for the domain All requests to the backend will have the X-Auth-Request-Token header set. Unauthorized requests will redirect to the oauth2_proxy initialization, which only works within browser.

  annotations: nginx $request_uri X-Auth-Request-Token |
      error_page 403 = "$request_uri";